Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Single Hottie Allert!

This is my husbands twin brother Brad....I have been trying to set him up for the last 9 years that I have knows him! So of course I will have to embarrass him, and try to find the perfect lady. So Here are his stats girls....

*He is going to be 30 in Feb...
*He has a great job....
*He just moved here from Virginia....
*He is great with kids....
*He is super sweet.

Ok girls, if you are interested our know anyone who is single and ready to mingle (or settle down) let me know!!

Sorry Brad! In desperate for a good sister in law!


Lara and Shawn said...

Well, I just might happen to know some very cute nurses!

Lara and Shawn said...
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