Noah in the car watching Elmo, waiting to get to school

noah has used his walker several times before outside our house, but he always hated it and thew a huge fit....we today he took to it like he has been waiting to walk all his life...I think he knew something exciting was happening today, and he wanted to get there!

I think Noah wins the award for determination and spunk!

I think Noah wins the award for determination and spunk!

I realized how fitting this shirt was today while I was filming. "ready for take-off" that's my little man. It makes me so proud and of course as a mom so sad to see him all ready be so big!

"Hi mom, Im a big boy!"

"Hey mom look they have toys here too YIPEE"

"Hi mom, Im a big boy!"

I asked my best friend Jen who is involved in every aspect of Noah's life to come along, not just for mommy support, but to help me film the entire event...She loves my kids like they were her own, and I don't know what I would do without her!

Ok Noah did amazing today at preschool!!! The teachers (he has 4 helpers and a teacher, and only 6 kids) said that he was the most well behaved in the entire class. To that I responded, are you talking about my Noah, noah harper? LOL She was (he also is the only Noah in the class) I told her to give it time, and not to count her blessings just yet (just kidding:), They also said he was so eager to be involved and learn....he was telling anyone who would listen how he knows his colors, he would pointing to the appropriate color....rey (red) yeyyo (yellow), buuu (blue), geeen (green) Then he said his ABC's (he knows them almost perfect from A to Z. And 1-12!!! MY little guy makes me so proud, I am so impressed with him.
( I also have a cute little video I will try to put up tonight)
that is so awesome crystal!! noah's smile melts my heart everytime i see his photos...thanks for sharing...
How exciting!!!! That is really awesome! So how have you been? We really need to catch up!
How exciting!!!! That is really awesome! So how have you been? We really need to catch up!
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