We arrived in Virginia on Wednesday at about 1am, so needless to say we were exhausted. Both kids went to sleep right away, even though they were in strange beds. On Thursday night though it was a different story when we put them to bed, we had to rig some CD players and burn the one lullaby Cd's i brought. I have always let them fall asleep to music since they were born, so now they can't fall asleep without it.
Yesterday we went to a little discount store (which I love) Then we went to Asher's soccer practice and out to eat. Noah has been eating so good since we got here, he learned how to say apple, (which sounds like ah oh) and jello, (which sounds like eyo)
Pam borrowed a bunch of toys from her neighbor and Noah and Ava are having a blast playing with them. Noah has been playing with a little tykes police car (Ive been trying to find on of these at a yard sale for about 2 years, so keep your eyes open for one) and he loves it, we took video of it, he says bee bee for the horn, and woo woo for the siren!!
A storm started to blow in yesterday, and it's a little overcast and chilly today, so we will probably just relax around the house today, but we plan on going to Maryland and going to see Jeff's older brother and spend some time at the beach!
I took a bath in Pam's HUGE tub and the view out the window is breathtaking. I will take some pictures of the house and the view and post them tomorrow.
Glad to hear you are having a good time. :)
I am glad to hear your having fun and the kids look so stinkin cute! Hey you should try craigslist or ksl classified I see those on there sometimes for good prices!!!
Its great to see you are enjoying your vacation, I have a veiw like that out my back door, I do love how gree it is here...
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