Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Water Park, Mothers Day and Just Playing!

Grandpa and Ava watching the storm Fun at the Water Park
Noah loved this thing!

The View off of Jeff's parents back pourch, breathtaking!

Jeff and I got to go out and see "maid of honor" for mothers day,
(jeff about to sneeze)
I love this man

Were having a blast....Jeff is going to VA beach for the next two days to get together with some buddies and do some skateboarding, so I will be doing some scrap booking!
Mom, happy mothers day, you are my best friend and I love you so much.
Nana you mean so much more to me that just a grandma, your a really cool grandma and friend.
Pammy, thanks for making Jeffy!
Love to all my moms.

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