So today was Noah's second time at preschool (they call it toddler class, it's to get him ready for preschool). The first time he went, he didn't like it at all, in fact Ive been sick to my stomach all week, dreading taking him back. When I dropped him off (parent's aren't suppose to stay) They have about 30 min of free play, so I went and sat him on the mat, and found some trucks for him to play with. You could tell he didn't know what was going on, but he stayed close to my while I filled out paperwork. The teacher and helpers came over, and said hi, and played with him, so I thought ok, this will go good. When I went to leave, I didn't say bye, I guess I thought that it would be better if I didn't make a scene, so I picked up Ava, and we got to the doorway, when I heard a scream and mamamamama, Noah was scootin as fast as he could towards the door (his little nemo fin was even really trying to work so he could go a little faster.) They picked him up and cuddled him trying there best to distract him. I went and got in the car, and just started crying. I felt so sick, I didn't even leave the parking lot for a while. I called Jeff and he was at work, so then I called my mom, and she helped coax me into leaving. So I did I went home, and paced the living room, I left 20 min too early so I could go peek through the door window. When I got there, he was on one of the workers laps, and she was trying to help him frost a cookie. His face was bright red, and so I opened the door to the class and he turned right around burst into tears, and lifted his arms up to me....AAAHHHH. Wow I needed to on to today!!!
Noah did AMAZING! I mustered up the strength to take him, (seriously thought about not going, and having a home day) but I did, I talked to him all morning about it, how fun school would be and how I would come get him as soon as snack time was over (granted he has no idea what about 90%of what I was saying meant) We got there, and he cried, a lot, but I left, worring how he was doing. I needed a double unbrella stroller, for just quick in and out of the car, so I went to babys'r'us. When I got back, he didn't even see me come in, he was flirting with the pretty teacher! They told me that he has done excelent. The said "we had no Idea what a charmer Noah is" He flirted and smiled at everyone, played with the other kids, ate more maccaroni and cheese than all the other kids combined, finger painted (and totally loved it, cried when they took away the paint) He made me the prettiest picture! Oh what I huge sigh of releif. So I cant wait to go back next week!!!
Here are some cute pictures
This is right when I dropped him off
Oh the heartbreak of being a mama! I'm NOT looking forward to Emma starting school of any kind! We're doing homeschool preschool for now, but I'm thinking next year I'll need to bite the bullet. She'll do great, she always does well at sunday school and such, it will be ME that misses her like crazy!
Love, Sarah
Cute pictures.
I am so glad that this week was better than last week. I just know in a couple of weeks he won't even cry. I think all of this is harder for the parents than it is for the kids.
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