Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I had a doctors apt. yesterday, and here is the scoop.

I am 70% effaced, and my hips are spreading! I think there is a possibility I may be going a little earlier than thought. We are estimating her to be about 6 pounds right now. My next doctor's apt was going to be on Nov 9th when I get my cerclage taken out, but because I am progressing, I am now going to go in on Halloween to see what's changing, Ill take my bag to that apt just in case.

I finally feel like I am on the home stretch, and I'm so excited! I can't wait to sleep again.....well if I can when she is born.

I will update after my next apt, along with some pictures of Noah's nursery which I finally finished, and Ava's bedding. Her nursery won't be ready for a bit, but Ill show you what I have so far.


1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hi crys I am so excited to hear that your almost their and your going to have a healthy baby! I would def like to come so you in the hospital so please call me and let me know when you have that precious girl! I will pray that every thing goes well! good luck!
loves, Jess