Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

cerclage is out

On Tuesday I was having a lot of pain, well actually I had been having quite a bit of really sharp pains all week, so I went in, and my doctor decided to take out my cerclage. We all thought I would open up right away, but I didn't, in fact I went in today to get another cervix check to see If we needed to have a c section tonight, but Im still exactly the same. Im only 1 cm dialated, and 70% efaced. I don't know what's going to happen, I will keep ya'll posted.



Sarah said...

wow, what to you know! Can't wait to see your little beauty when she decides to make her grand entrance. Praising the Lord with you guys that you get to do this in such a joyful, "normal" way this time!
Love, Sarah

Jessica said...

CXrystal that is so exciting to know you baby girl will be here any day. Good luck and let me know as soon as that little princess arrives!