Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Our day at the Farm!

Jeff's sister Sara has been in town for the last week and has been helping me SO much with noah while I have been resting. We decided to go to Thanksgiving point yesterday so that Noah could have a little playtime. Noah loves animals. He had so much fun! It is so fun to see just being a little toddler. He has grown up so much it seems in the past month. His language is so much better lately. He is really starting to understanding his signing. He know's how to get what he wants, he makes the sign and then says the first letter of what is is. So if he wants to eat, he points to his mouth and says "ee!" Our little boy is so smart. We are still working on standing. He is doing much better, but he gets scared if we leave him holding on the the couch, and starts screaming. This horse wanted to eat noah's socks, he kept grabing his feet with his lips!
Here is Noah and daddy on the pony ride. At first he wasen't sure about it, but after a minute or two he LOVED it. When it was over and we lifted him off the horse, he started screaming and kicking his legs, so he got to ride the pony three times in a row! It is so good for him. It was fun for dad to help Noah since he has been doing his field work at the national ability center in hipotherapy. (horse therapy) so it is something that Jeff has alot of passion for this.
This is Noah's face when we put him back on the horse...he was much happier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.