Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

All sewed up!

So here is our little one about a week and a half ago! We went in and got this ultrasound just to check and make sure that everything was going well and to make sure everything was were it needed to be to get the ceclage. While me and my mom were enjoying to images(Jeff was at school), we got a very scary shock. The technician doing the ultrasound said that my cervix was already starting to thin by 1/3. Two days later I was scheduled for my cerclage. They decided to basically put me on bed rest until I was sewn up. When we got to the hospital, everything was going well, I was laying on the table and Kathy had started sewing me up and she said that I had started dilating sometime between then and two days earlier. So I was thinning, (50%efaced) and dilating at 13 weeks! Scary. Kathy said that she still has a lot of confidence that the cerclage will work! I have a follow up apt on Friday to see if the cerclage is working properly, so I will let you know. Thank you to all of you that have been praying for us. We still need more prayer so that I can get close to full term. I am on partial bed rest. I am allowed to work 8 hours a week, four hours on Thursday and four hours on Saturday, but that's it. I am a little scared but I know God has a plan, and I have faith that he will keep me pregnant longer than I was with Noah.


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