Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to School Night...

Oh my goodness, where do I start??? I have been MIA for a LONG time I know. Life suddenly got crazy busy! I have been 'remodeling' the salon, I have been trying to set up and etsy shop and get some items made to go up on it, I have been going to Jazzercise 4 times a week. I have been cooking alot, cleaning alot, preparing to transition the house because my grandmother is moving out...and on top of all that my kids are both starting school. WOW, I feel exhausted just typing it all.

Last night we had Noah's back to school night, I have been so excited about this all week, because our little...not so little boy... is a big kindergartner now!! I have signed up to do all sorts of things in PTA , and Noah's class...which I am excited about. I love Noah's teacher this year, she is new, young and fresh and has alot of energy (she also seems tough enough to not take Noah's lip:) and Noah seems to really like her too. He is also getting excited about riding the bus again this year, we have been talking about it for a few weeks now, and he gets so excited when we drive next to a bus, he yells "MOM, There is my new bus!" He is going 5 days a week this year (I guess all kindergartners do lol) but Im a little worried, and because of budget cuts, he has to be in the afternoon class, which is right during his nap time (which he still very much needs) I guarantee he will be dead asleep when he arrives home on the bus (this happened last year also until I switched him to morning class). Oh well, I just hope his little body can get use to the transition.

School starts Friday for him, and then Ava starts on the 10th, and she goes 2 days a week for 2.5 hours...she is beyond excited, she has allready told me which dress she wants to wear! Her and I went to her school orientation yesterday too, but I forgot my camera:(

1 comment:

Staci said...

This is adorable. Where did the time go?!?!?