Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

One big step (or roll:)

So Jeff and I have really struggled for about a year on weather or not to get Noah a wheel chair. We have worried that he would try to stop walking once we got one, but we also worried that he is feeling like a baby still because he cant do alot of things on his own. Our solution was to "borrow" one from Shriner's for about 6 months to see how we like it and to see if Noah feels more independent. So here we are getting it fitted for him. (he was crying because I took away my camera from him, not because of the wheel chair!)He actually kind of liked it, cause when he rocks out to the music, the whole chair rocks, and he thought that was too cool!Surprisingly it was super easy for me to push and maneuver. I have a feeling that Noah's will really like it, but I will keep you posted.


Janene said...

He looks so big sitting in the wheelchair. I hope he likes it.

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!