Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ava's new curtians

When I bought Ava's bedding from walmart, they were closing out of it, and the curtains were gone. I finally got around to making some. I love how they turned out! Although it takes at least twice as long, when you have 2 little kids hanging on your legs, and playing with your sewing machine and pins.I just traced the little birdies on paper and made cardboard stencils
I bought these scissors for this project..they were $5 stinking dollars, but honestly worth every penny. They are titanium and made the project so much easier.

Noah loves playing with the sewing machine...he is so into seeing how everything works...we call him our little engineer.

I have never had much luck taking a pic of a window, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Lara and Shawn said...

Crystal- I LOVE those! You are so very talented.