Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Preschool Halloween Party...

This week we had Noah's Preschool Party at his school, honestly it wasen't very fun, the kids cried most of the time, they hated their costumes....but they looked cute.

Ava wore Noah's lion costume that he wore 2 years ago. Noah was a pirate, he HATED the hat, he cried whenever we put it on him....

It doesn't look that bad brother, I promise...
roaming the back yard
finally a smile, thank heaven for cookies with orange frosting
how they love their Nana, I know the feeling is mutual
My little loves
what a face Noah

Noah did sooo sooo good in his walker, he didn't even use the harness, it was all him! Go big boy

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