Noah has his I.E.P. on friday, This is the first one we have had, outside of our home, I imagine it will go pretty good. Noah starts his first day of real preschool on Aug 25th, I haven't decided if I should let him ride in the van with the other kids or just take him. So far I am leaning towards driving him myself. The only downfall to that is, I have to leave sister in the car so that I can help noah walk in with his walker and his backpack.
Speaking of Walker, we got it in, and he hates it lol! I am going to make him play in it every day for a little bit, Im not sure how long, but I hope if he is exposed to it often enough, he will be ready to stay in it more. I will post pictures of him in it sometime this week.
Your little ones are just so cute! I love them!
Your little ones are just so cute! I love them!
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