Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Quick Post

Hi everyone, so I am trying to adjust to life with 2 kids and it is harder than I thought. Ava thinks she needs to be a lap all day long.....of course noah doesn't like that whatsoever, he crawls up to my rocking chair and cries with his arms up for me to hold him.

Ava is only 5 weeks old, and she has started rolling over allready. I will write more when I have a little more time.

Here are some pictures of Noah's cowboy nursery

Here is Ava's room, I made most of the decorations in Noah's room, I wanted to do the same in ava's room, but haven't had time yet. I did paint the chandalier though. Ill post pictures when It's done.

Here is our kitchenette downstairs that Jeff finaly got tiled


Sarah said...

Everything looks fabulous my dear! Wish I had the time and money to be so creative, all in good time I keep saying:).
Love, Sarah

Unknown said...

Yeah for new pictures! She is so cute and so are both of the kids rooms! Kim

Jessica said...

Ahh She is so darling and their rooms are super duper cute!!!!

Anonymous said...

good girl mouth wide open, laid back just waiting for that first load of daddys come