Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Spring Photos

My deal of the month....Patio Umbrella at JcPenney, Regularly $180. Between clearance, coupon, and a special discount card (from working for them for more than 5 years) I paid only $39.00!!! It has a handle to put it up and down, and tilts....wahoo! I have wanted one for a while, but wasn't willing to pay over $50. (maybe next year Ill actually get a nice patio set (this one I got last year was $10 from the classifieds) My other JcPenney find was this little chair and table for Ava, for $15.00
Putting it to use right away....
One of my Veggie Gardens
Little tomatoes
Front Yard, flowers in bloom
We have had rain everyday for 2 weeds straight, the weatherman said we are like 603% of normal all ready for the whole month of June. I don't think I have ever seen our grass this green!

1 comment:

Mama C said...

How wonderful that you could get all those things for such incredibly low cost!! Isn't God good??! Your yard and flowers and veggie garden all look great!