Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Noah and Daddy snuggle time!

Since Noah got his botox injections, he is really having to learn how to use his limbs again. He has been falling alot, and tonight while we were watching TV, he fell and hit his head on the coffee table....he has a golf ball size goose egg. He was crying so hard, he couldn't breath....Jeff finally calmed him down and they fell asleep within 5 min. At first is was so adorable, then the worrier in me thought maybe he had a concussion, so I have been checking his pupils and it's midnight and I'm still up checking on him. I totally can't sleep, so I figured I would do some blogging, it's gonna be a long day tomorrow....I'm not the best mommy I can be with little sleep.

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