Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I saw this on a blog I follow and It made me laugh so hard I literally peed in my pants (well only a little, but that's what happens when you have had 2 kids)!
Nothing says ‘I have a 2 year old’ like a potty chair in the kitchen

Nothing says ‘I’ve given birth in a room full of strangers, I just don’t care’ like answering the door without a bra on when the UPS guy comes.

Nothing says ‘desperate’ like wearing your baby’s diaper because you ran out of tampons.

Nothing says ‘I nurse a baby multiple times a night’ like wearing your spit-up covered sleep shirt to Target.

Nothing says ‘I need to go back to Weight Watchers’ like still wearing your maternity jeans even though you aren’t pregnant anymore.

Nothing says ‘I should work with him on how to kiss’ like getting Frenched by your toddler.

Nothing says ‘Mommy wants to be alone for one blasted second’ like a locked bathroom door.

Nothing says ‘I have two kids’ like a heart as full of love as the cupboard is of Cheerios.

Nothing says ‘What the!?’ like finding a capless orange Sharpie inside your pillowcase in the middle of the night.

Nothing says ‘I don’t know, why don’t you tell me what’s for dinner’ like nothing in the oven.

Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a pudding lipped kiss.

Nothing says ‘You might think I’m trustworthy enough to be in the bathroom by myself, but I’m not’ like a countertop full of baby powder.

Nothing says ‘I’m overwhelmed’ like losing track of one of your children and not searching for them for a few minutes because you’re kind of enjoying the peace.

Nothing says ‘I seriously need some boundaries’ like showing your husband how far you can shoot breastmilk across the bedroom.

Nothing says ‘I’ve given birth two times’ like a wet spot on the couch after you sneeze, cough or laugh.

Nothing says ‘I hope no one saw that’ like wiping your baby’s spitup off his chin with his own shirt.

Nothing says ‘mommy body’ like breasts that sag halfway to your bellybutton.

Nothing says ‘romance’ like getting a backrub with the wheels of a GeoTrax train by your husband.

Nothing says ‘I have a 2 year old’ like a potty chair in the kitchen.