Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Yea Fireworks!

We spent our fourth of July at a park near our home, we met my family there and had a blast. It was extra special this year, because this is the first time in 4 years that Jeff has had the 4th off, the last time, was the first year we were married. We went and got corndogs, greasy french fries, and fresh squeezed lemonaid! Jeff laid out a comfy blanket, so that I could lay down and watch everything, it was nice, because even though I had to stay down, the fresh air (well as fresh as Utah air is in the summer) was a nice change from staying in the house 24/7. There was a band playing that we listened to, and of course great fireworks! It was so funny to watch Noah look at them. You could tell he was very perplexed he had no idea why there were such big booms and then bright lights, but he never cried he was very good.

1 comment:

The Hill Family said...

great photos! i still cannot believe how BIG noah is getting - and yes, he is as adorable as a baby gap model!! hope to see him in person maybe in august! also, thanks for posting the photos of jen's wedding - it meant a lot since i couldn't be there!!