The Zoo is absolutely one of Ava's favorite places in this world. She runs around to every animal, and ooohhs and aaahhhs. She points and waves at everyone walking by, sometimes I think she is more of a spectacle than the animals. She is so incredibly free spirited and animated. She loves life and everthing in it. She has never met a stranger and can capture any heart in a matter of seconds!
As many of you know Noah is legally blind, he cannot see anything unless it is very close to his face. So when we go to the zoo, unfortunately he doesn't get to see much. He usually sits in his stroller or now his wagon (thanks to my friend who gave Noah this wagon for his birthday) and plays with a toy, or sings or rubs the wheel with his fingers. It sometimes hurts me to know what he is missing, but I have to realize that Noah experiences things in a different way. He can pick up the tiniest noise, he will say "can you hear it?" He can hear the water in an exhibit before I can, he can hear a little bird chirp, or he will feel the wind and say "I feel the wind" He is incredible. He always says "mommy feel it" (which is his way of asking me to let him feel it) so I will let him feel everything at the zoo, rope, grass, drinking fountain, chairs, everything! I think that he enjoys just riding around in his wagon taking everything in. He is just so content, and that brings tears to my eyes to know that God has given him that gift to be happy in circumstances that don't always seem fair.
Me Jeff and our little Ava
Up she goes

As many of you know Noah is legally blind, he cannot see anything unless it is very close to his face. So when we go to the zoo, unfortunately he doesn't get to see much. He usually sits in his stroller or now his wagon (thanks to my friend who gave Noah this wagon for his birthday) and plays with a toy, or sings or rubs the wheel with his fingers. It sometimes hurts me to know what he is missing, but I have to realize that Noah experiences things in a different way. He can pick up the tiniest noise, he will say "can you hear it?" He can hear the water in an exhibit before I can, he can hear a little bird chirp, or he will feel the wind and say "I feel the wind" He is incredible. He always says "mommy feel it" (which is his way of asking me to let him feel it) so I will let him feel everything at the zoo, rope, grass, drinking fountain, chairs, everything! I think that he enjoys just riding around in his wagon taking everything in. He is just so content, and that brings tears to my eyes to know that God has given him that gift to be happy in circumstances that don't always seem fair.
Oh and before I forget.....YES NOAH IS NOW 4 YEARS OLD!!! I cannot believe that my little guy is that big, it feels like he was just born. I cant believe that I am a mom of a 4 year old, I don't feel old enough to have a little guy who will be going to kindergarten next year WOW! I will post pictures as soon as I can, the day of his party I forgot my camera, so one of my friends took pictures and is going to give me a copy.
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