Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day at the zoo

Ava had a blast, sh e loved repeating the names of all the animals. She said Monks for Monkeys that was cute. Noah loved just being outside and playing with his new Hogle Zoo cup. I locked the keys in our car, so that made jeff kinda grumpy, but overall we had a great time. Noah's new drink cup, you pushed a button and the lid flipped up, evertime he did it he would giggle!

What ya lookin at, ya I still use a binky, so what....
Sweet boy

Yummy Corndog...


Staci said...

What a fun day, And how cute are your little ones!

Schroeder's in a NUT SHELL! said...

Hey there!!!....I found your blog off Staci's site....your kids are just adorable....they look like they really had a great time at the zoo...we have a blog you are welcome to visit really love keeping in touch with everyone through blogging. How is your family, tell them all hi for me...