Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Monday, January 24, 2011

School again....

Noah got to go to school for the first time in 3 weeks, he was SO happy!  He sat at the door crying for 30 minutes before the bus got to our house, saying "where's my wonder bus?"  That kid is so funny, this year for Christmas I asked him what he wanted, and he told me chocolate cake and a school bus!  The funny thing is he didn't want a toy bus, he wanted a real school bus!!  Like my van isn't hard enough to drive:)

We are picking up Noah's new wheelchair today from Shriner's!  I am SO thankful that so many friends, family and wonderful ABC 4 viewers donated so this could happen for our little Noah.

If you want to see him with his new wheelchair you can watch ABC 4 again tonight, and they will be covering our Shriner's visit!

Also thank you so much for the donations that keep coming in, we are finally able to get caught up on a few things that we are so behind on.  I had no idea that an email from a dear friend who knew we were really struggling could cause so many wonderful things to happen and could be  such an exciting adventure!  My 3 year old keeps telling me she is a movie star because she is on TV.  She came in this morning wearing her Snow White nightgown telling me she wants to look like a princess for the cameraman today!


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