Friends raising money to help Noah afford therapy and adaptive equipment.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Fever

I have had spring fever so stinkin bad. I have about 6 different projects going right now. You should see my house, my kitchen table and counter tops have turned into my sewing room, my backyard has lumber as far as the eye can see, my scrapbook table looks like a cyclone hit it. And my entire house...ahem...looks like I have about 10 toddlers running around. I can't help it, Its like I'm nesting or something (which I'm not FYI).

Have you seen these dresses? I call this whole style of clothes 'bumpkin' clothes. It looks like the old flour sack dresses. Well I use to laugh at these, but then I was browsing a children's boutique store and saw some that I actually liked, only they were about $75. Yea right I like to say. I looked through my scrap fabric and decided to try to make one. It actually turned out so great! The only thing I had to buy was a pack of new needles for my sewing machine (the stitch on the ribbon kept breaking) so I paid about $3.00 for the dress. Beats the alternative.


Lara and Shawn said...

Adorable! Way to go Crystal. Isn't it so great to have the ability to make something yourself instead of paying SO much at a store.

theflanders said...

You could try make some more and sell them on - which is a marketplace for homemade stuff.